Delete While all of the examples of ableist speech you posted would be hurtful, I think the first two could truly be classified as 'harmful'. ... Take the humble pill, recognize your own strands of ableism, and stop using the ableist language. People on twitter further mention that it is not just the casting of an able bodied person that makes this film problematic, she is working with an organisation called ‘Autism speaks’. 2 of 26 is not representation. They seem to think that embarrassment over a public meltdown is more important than why the meltdown is taking place. Not all individuals, but certainly many, including many on the spectrum.R/Kate. This “charity” was called Cure Autism Now. And it's absolutely disgusting when this type of ableism comes from the mouths of those who, of all people, ought to know better. I also try not to use ableist slurs in everyday life. Autie-J Hey! If you want to share something from this site that I didn't personally write, shoot me an email so I can contact the actual author. Against our dehumanization. They are simply considered ableist (the way that referring to a woman as emotionally fragile is sexist, but not a slur). Well, that is if you only look at Autism Speaks’ slick marketing and lip service events. (6) Autism Speaks promotes animosity against Autistic (disabled) people. This picture shows about 16 people. However acceptance requires understanding that there are different viewpoints that all have a reasonable basis underlying those viewpoints.Autism is a condition evidenced by limits in brain function, limits in social accommodation, and one where some have adapted well enough, that they consider themselves with no significant disability.Many individuals with autism spectrum disorders have co-morbid mental illnesses, but not all are diagnosed with co-morbid mental illness.Technically from the government perspective while autism may be classified as a neurological disorder, with clinically significant impairments in social interaction/communication and RRB's, it is considered a mental health problem, in that it is defined as a disability with limits in brain function. In 2015, Sesame Street announced they were introducing a new character with autism named Julia. Both Autism Speaks and the Autism Society have, or continue to use the puzzle piece symbol for autism and use stigmatizing language about autism. Think about it – why do you discipline your child? If portrayals of autism onscreen are rare, portrayals of nonspeaking and non- or semi-nonverbal autistic characters are far rarer and those that exist, like Life, Animated (2016) tend to be infantilizing and stigmatizing. Links offsite are not to be construed as endorsement or acceptance of the ideas and opinions expressed therein. I've learned as much or more from the "common folk" than I have learned from those that profess or indicate intellectual superiority.Not everyone on the spectrum meets University Standards, nor should they be expected to meet them, when online communities may be their only potential for connection with the world.Perhaps I can see both sides of the issue as my difficulties with verbal abilities were ridiculed with these words of ableism through the course of my lifetime, whereas I was praised for making good grades on multiple choice tests, that are not always part of success in the real world.I cannot imagine personally using these words that potentially degrade the dignity of humanity of another individual, in a community where there are people that do have learning disabilities, nor would I use them in real life among those that profess or suggest "intellectual superiority" because personal attacks do not lead to constructive results in communication.I think it is a potential mistake to suggest that this it is acceptable to insult intelligence or use these terms that can be perceived as ableist terms, for those that may not be as intellectually gifted as others. Those three terms were replaced around the 1960's with the catch-all term "mental retardation," but prior to that, it was not uncommon for institution administrators and staff to ask of an incoming resident "what class of moron or imbecile is this person?". Autism speaks. As an autistic person, I oppose Autism Speaks and related ableist organizations,” wrote Cassandra Crosman, an autistic graduate student at Western Oregon University, in a blog post from 2019. Their ideas are nuts." They may be different things, but one is not somehow better than the other. They are responsible for... Autie-J — What is autism speaks. There are so many things wrong with autism speaks. Jim Sinclair –“Don’t Mourn For Us” (1993) “Autism isn't something a person has, or a "shell" that a person is trapped inside. Autism Speaks (abbreviated to AS or sometimes A$) is a highly controversial organization, run by non-autistic people, that seeks to eliminate autism. Many of those people have medical conditions such as seizures and gastrointestinal issues, which should undoubtedly be treated. If you've been told--and I know many of you have been told repeatedly because I was the one who told you--that your language is ableist, then you need to stop using it. Hans Asperger, for whom Asperger's syndrome is named, concluded that the hyperfocused nature of his patients meant some were worth keeping around for the rest of society to use as drones o… Autism Speaks are a charity that promotes ABA, and searches for a “cure” for autism, instead of supporting autistic people (read more here). You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. This is really problematic. I don't believe in vilifying people who aren't aware (yet) of their privilege and who don't have malicious intent when they use ableist language that denigrates people with mental or psychiatric disabilities, intellectual disabilities, or developmental disabilities. The Chandelier singer has … Unfortunately, anonymous commenting isn't available anymore since it resulted in over one million spam comments in a short period. Their ideas are nuts. Autism Speaks leadership is not Autistic and they run adds that don’t accurately portrays autism. This project is problematic for multiple reasons. Things that I’ve learned since coming to D.C. Women are under-diagnosed thanks to the propagation of the “more common in boys/extreme male brain” theory developed by that ableist shitpile Simon Baron-Cohen—I have to do an entry on him and his bullshit—and propagated by Autism Speaks and similar organizations. Looking for more resources, my professional stuff, or info on speaking/booking me? Close. Somebody with a mental age of three and who acts it isn't stupid, but a sixteen-year-old of average intelligence who does things someone half his age would know not to do is. (If your use of my stuff meets these conditions, you automatically have permission and don't need to ask.) It’s at the grocery store. ... Music is commodifying and profiting off ableist … Many of us use ableist language without even realizing it. They use the word “burden”. "(The original post is on a completely unrelated topic, but there is a wonderful debate about the use of the word "crazy" in the comments: As noted in the above quote, we do need a word or words to indicate that an idea strongly trespasses the boundaries of what can be considered reasonable or rational. If you're the average twenty-year-old class and ability privileged college student who has never heard of ableism and has never considered the origins of the word "insane," fine, I can give you some slack until someone tells you that the word "insane" was used as a diagnostic label to perpetuate discrimination, prejudice, and stigma against millions of people and you continue to use it. 76. Interestingly, I just posted at LBRB chastising a poster for complaining about autism being lumped in with mental illness and allegedly leading to Joe Scarborough's ignorant remarks.I try really hard to avoid using mental-health labels as slurs. It also means the organization does not use ableist symbols such as the puzzle piece that is commonly used for "autism awareness." Its goals and rhetoric have resulted in protests, led by autistic people, and many of their loved ones and allies. In this video, I discuss my personal feelings regarding Autism Speaks and discuss some of the controversies they have faced over the years. You can disagree, I’m ok with that. The social use of the word "insane" is to describe a deviation from something that makes sense and that's fine by me. Wrote another user, @mysicksadlife, “Had she talked to like, 3 or 4 autistic people, we’d have told her [Autism Speaks] is ableist and wants us fixed or dead.” ( Log Out /  I have 3 thoughts (at least!) Photo by Kory Otto-Jacobs, taken March 1st, 2013 in Farragut Square Park, Washington, DC, United States, for the National Day of Mourning vigil for disabled people murdered by family members or caregivers. That would be "a lot of autistics", plural, thanks to autocorrect and not being able to edit the comment. autism intervention, utilized aversives in experiments • ABA has evolved –but the emphasis on indistinguishability remains. You want to fade the less functional behaviors away to give them a better shot in life. I loathe Autism Speaks and what it stands for. Is there another word that means what Greta has defined "crazy" as (ie. Powered by. Eugenics is a No. I strongly disprefer fully republished posts, but am not opposed in principle. Ableist Language Autism Autism Acceptance Autism Is Not A Disease autistic lives matter autists are people too autists are speaking down with aba Hyperlexia IFL just keep stimming let autistic people live neurodiversity prenatal screening right to life self-expression Superpower take the mask off twitter digest Autism Speaks has used legal threats in the past to bully autistics who don’t agree with their messages (one built a parody website—perfectly legal—but was bullied into taking it off the web: Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. It is important that they feel valued. And it's fine to acknowledge that. But if you're a, Take the humble pill, recognize your own strands of ableism, and stop using the ableist language. It’s all over twitter. Are slang terms like "nuts," "loony," and "bat-shit" far enough divorced from describing clinical insanity to count as non-ablist?Sorry for the length of this comment. in response to this:1) To Hannah, above, I tend to think like you do, but I recently read this wonderful quote that made me think twice about publicly using ablist language that I and my friends are comfortable with having reclaimed: "...when we talk about language usage, it’s worth considering how our use of language impacts others. And yes, they are often people who should know better. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED. ", "Autism Speaks's idea of representing Autistic people is absolutely crazy. *My definition of stupidity is someone who doesn't make the most of the IQ they have. Many autistic people oppose Autism Speaks, as it has an extensive ableist history, and continues to perpetrate ableism today through its 100 Day Kit and stigmatizing PSAs about autism. Autistic people have criticized Autism Speaks for years over its controversial messaging, including a resource on its site called the 100 Day Kit for parents of newly diagnosed autistic children. For all their talk about “easing the ~*~burden~*~” of families with Autistic children (*gag*), Autism Speaks only spends 4% of their budget on “family services”. I still stand by my assertion that this video is ableist. In 2007, Autism Speaks merged with another autism-related “charity” that was widely loathed by Autistic people. They are often people who fight other forms of oppression, but don't seem to care about ableism (towards people with any disability). (This is the exact language they use. It was founded in February 2005 by Bob Wright, vice chairman of General Electric, and his wife Suzanne, a year after their grandson Christian was diagnosed with autism. Some people with ASD may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently. I'm autistic. April is the month when a world that already characterizes autistic people as dangerous, incapable children musters all of its remaining ableist spirit to raise awareness of the perceived horrors of the disease. Autism Speaks is Everywhere. It would not be appropriate for a news reporter to describe a public suicide the same way, not in a million years. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Most People Don’t Know They Are Acting Ableist. I do not warrant that access to this website and its contents will be uninterrupted or error free, nor do I make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of this website and its contents, or as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or contents of any content, information, material, postings, or posting responses found on this website or any links to other sites made available on the website. In this video, I discuss my personal feelings regarding Autism Speaks and discuss some of the controversies they have faced over the years. When one Twitter user asked Sia why she cast a non-autistic actor for the lead, she lashed out by listing the neuroatypical and trans people she had cast in her film. Close to half of 102 of rampage killers studied in research done in the year 2000 were diagnosed with a mental disorder, but that is not a suggestion that the mental disorders were a direct causation associated with the mass murder. I'm appalled and horrified that anyone would think giving a child a bleach enema would be a good idea. Stupid means "in a stupor," that is, having an intellectual disability., And of course, I must always mention goldenheartedrose’s master post on why Autism Speaks is reprefuckinghensible. I don't think of those words as being hateful, they apply to me at certain times and I often believe they apply to the decisions and structures imposed by many institutions. The spectrum is a range of symptoms that an autistic person can obtain; one autistic person will not be similar to another. I am late running across this post, much less replying, but thank you Lydia for writing it.These usages are also hurtful to me, and probably a number of others with similar histories, because I am just old enough to have spent years in the psych system under an alphabet soup of labels before anyone knew to call it autism. Understanding that I don't have a mental health issue doesn't mean that I am insulting people with mental health issues. Working off of the film’s trailers and the fact that Affleck and O’Connor had received positive feedback from Autism Speaks… Based on research of Autism Speaks’ materials, a common thread that the organization seems to focus on most is the high-support needs autistics. Autism Speaks’ “Autism Safety Project” (as seen on their Web site) promotes the prevention of Autistics engaging in any sexual activity as opposed to assuring that it is safe and pleasurable for us, and making it seem that the fact that Disabled people are more likely to be sexually assaulted is an individual problem, not a societal one. Autism and disability is heavily under represented in media, with GLAAD’s “Where We Are On TV” report in 2019 stating that the number of characters with a disability on TV was 3.1%. This is why we (the Autistic community, or at least a lot of us) say “Nothing about us without us”. Against a “cure,” which is a dogwhistle for ableist eugenics. Call me J or Jay. you will make money off my writing), please ask me and do not assume you have my permission. u/Kain292. And it’s not just that Music is an autistic character played by a non-autistic actor; she’s a nonspeaking character. And I feel like the assumption is that people who use ableist language like "crazy" don't actually have mental health issues themselves, when the reality is that a lot of us are self-hating, unaware, or just don't care. society is set up in such a way as to disadvantage us and privilege those who speak … I would actually argue that ASAN are BETTER … Many factors are likely associated.The language one uses in the public eye, can be a delicate issue as stigma can result, but among the masses the same potential exists as well, as terms like crazy, psychopath, psychotic, insane are all used to describe common situations in life, that stigmatize those that have the actual related disorders. "For insulting people's intelligence: Unintelligent Ignorant Ignoramus Asinine Insipid"Any idea of the credibility of insulting intelligence, in a fuller autism community that is comprised of approximately 38% of individuals with intellectual disability, is unsettling to me, as I have seen this happen over and over again when those with obvious learning difficulties on the spectrum attempt to provide a point of view, in an online community, and are not accepted when there is a stereotype expressed, that it is a given that people on the spectrum must have perfect grammar and spelling skills in interacting on the internet, as well as understanding nuances of social interaction, and in addition a wide range of expertise of knowledge on various topics.What this can lead to are the ableist comments of asinine, ignorant, ignoramus, unintelligent, or insipid for those that do not meet elite standards. It doesn't mean claiming that Autistics do not do mass murders when psychopaths or psychotics do so. Autism Speaks has only two Autistic people on their 26 strong board of directors. Not the people we know, the people who assure us that our language is ok, but the people we don’t know. Both Autism Speaks and the Autism Society have, or continue to use the puzzle piece symbol for autism and use stigmatizing language about autism. This is a cropped, horizontal banner style black and white photograph depicting one of the vigils and its participants (who are of various races, genders, and dis/ability statuses), including Kerima Çevik, Nuri Çevik, Patrick Cokley, Yoshiko Dart, Chad Carson, Linda Finder, Barbara Platt, Taylor C. Hall, and Samantha Bodwell, who is holding a large poster with a photo and the name of Benjamin Barnhard. "Autism Speaks's idea of representing Autistic people is absolutely crazy." "gone nuts"). When you google “autism”, the first non-ad result that comes up is the homepage for Autism Speaks, an organization that claims to be a world leader in “research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism” while also advocating for the needs of Autistic individuals and their families. It conflates autism with toxic masculinity and wastes an opportunity for… Many defined/described diseases, illnesses and disorders are legally identified and defined as disabilities, per US code that enforces the American's with disabilities act, including Autism Spectrum disorders.If you don't live in the US, this may not be applicable, by technical legal standard, but it is in the US.The legal definition of Autism per disability per US code/legal description is a medical one per limits in brain function. They’ve asked the question of their ‘autism … It's far from perfect, but here's one take: ), Autism Speaks almost completely ignores Autistic adults. Autism speaks came on board long after the film was finished, four years in fact. The new Netflix show Atypical is not only really bad and harmful autism representation, it's also misogynistic, racist, and fatmisic. I have been told by friends and family with Autism that AS is not a positive organization, and that their opinions and the information that they share is extremely troubling and ableist. Autism Speaks is one of the many organizations that is funding research into prenatal testing for autism spectrum disorders, with the hopes of being able to terminate or not even begin pregnancies in which the child is ‘at risk’ for developing autism. Just wrote an epic reply and realised I was being very antagonistic. I've been on the receiving end enough to know it hurts. The Art of Autism is a 501c3 nonprofit. Katie McCarron, a three-year-old Autistic child from Illinois, was suffocated to death by her mother in 2006. They don't listen to what autistic people have to say. Its logo uses the ableist puzzle piece for autism, a symbol that has promoted ableism since the 1960’s. Trigger Warning: Autism Speaks, discussion of Ableism and ableist manifestations in the media We’ve been doing a lot of hiring the past month in preparation for the summer, and it’s been nice getting to know the new workers. Our mission is to provide a forum to connect with those who wish to employ these abilities. The connotations of the symbol – missing pieces, confused and puzzled parents, something incomplete – are all things we shouldn’t be attaching to any person with a disability or neurodiversity. I am just as happy to say "that assessment was nuts" or "you behaved like a crazy person last night" as I am saying "Hi I'm Hannah, sometimes I'm insane, medical records verify that" What am I missing? Saying this is not true is just as insulting as when Autism Speaks says that we all need to be cured. First and foremost, she has partnered with Autism Speaks(AS). According to ASAN, the kit encourages parents to blame family stress on their autistic child and to spend time with their non-autistic children remembering how things were … Check out my portfolio. For that it's right Autism Speaks is ableist. Autism Speaks presents Autistic people in one of two lights: the “tragic”, endearing “Autistic angel” and the shrieking, rocking, nonverbal, meltdown-having ~*~burden~*~. But as in many of Autism Speaks’ efforts, awareness of autism comes at the cost of awareness of autistic people. (Note that I also don't publish every comment, since this is my personal blog.) It's really frustrating to see so many fellow mad people continuing to use language that hurts them and others like them in the long run. And I used to be one of them. — autism speaks (@autismspeaks) May 13, 2020 Advertisement Hide Eventually, TikTok users began uploading videos with the same sound criticizing those who are taking part in the challenge. They/He. Wrote another user, @mysicksadlife, “Had she talked to like, 3 or 4 autistic people, we’d have told her [Autism Speaks] is ableist and wants us fixed or dead.” Autism is good, and people who want to help people with autism are ableist. That is why I was chastising the poster at LBRB who was complaining that autistics are not mentally ill, therefore that is the only reason it is wrong for Morning Joe to say what he said. That's just bad. Suzanne created the Autism Speaks logo as the blue puzzle piece as it was intended to “reflect how … I was told, repeatedly, that I was an inspiration. I had no idea it was such a polarizing group! It sponsors autism research and conducts awareness and outreach activities aimed at families, governments, and the public. They've a history of harassing and taking legal action against Autistic people too. a person with an intellectual disability. The people whom we are hurting with our careless language use. Use the sitemap. In order to do so, it is necessary for us, as a society, to scrap our ableist tendencies. End ableism by stopping these behaviors immediately: 1. It’s all over Facebook. I agree with you that using ableist slurs to speak up for autistics is particularly wrong and hypocritical. Autism Speaks is PHENOMENAL at it!” I will say this: it is easy to be “phenomenal” at fundraising and branding when your fundraising budget is 9 million dollars, which is what Autism Speaks spent in 2017. If you want to use my writing for any purpose not covered by these conditions (i.e. They’ve even posted polls to entertain person first language vs identify first language. She said this right in front of her Autistic daughter. A large number of the people I've heard say "crazy" or "insane"---not in a reclaimed way---have mental health issues themselves. And it makes it difficult for people who haven’t been educated on autism for reputable sources to accept Autistic people who don’t fit either of those stereotypes. Its goals and rhetoric have resulted in protests, led by autistic people, and many of their loved ones and allies. If anything on this site is inaccessible to you for any reason, I am in the process of making audio recordings of the more popular posts on this blog, which you can hear at. As promised, here are 20 reasons why Autism Speaks is an ableist hate group. Many participants are holding cameras, video, recorders, or phones. Because the former is hurting me.Although other people with mental illnesses as well as other people with autism might feel different, so that distinction probably doesn't work very well for everyone.Just... a lot of autistics are, actually, also part of "those people". Autism Speaks presented autism as being worse than life-threatening diseases such as pertussis and measles. Autism Speaks is responsible for a short film called “Autism Every Day”, in which an Autism Speaks board member claimed that having an Autistic child was so exasperating, she had a desire to kill both herself and her Autistic daughter. It also means the organization does not use ableist symbols such as the puzzle piece that is commonly used for "autism awareness." I'm inclined to agree that the words' meanings are strong enough that negative connotations are secondary.-Stephanie. Only people with actual mental illness, like psychopaths or schizophrenics do that kind of thing. But I would say that someone or something is "crazy". Autism speaks came on board long after the film was finished, four years in fact. Autism Speaks Is a Hate Group. Sia has been accused of ableism for casting Maddie Ziegler as a teenager with non-verbal autism in her feature film debut. Autism Speaks’ logo is a puzzle piece to represent the ableist idea that autism is a puzzle to be solved and fixed. It was founded in February 2005 by Bob Wright, vice chairman of General Electric, and his wife Suzanne, a year after their grandson Christian was diagnosed with autism. But using ableist language to attack those things is full of such irony and hypocrisy that it's incomprehensible. Either way, you're accountable." The point is not that "mental illness" is different from "developmental disability." Is calling an idea "crazy" as ablist as calling a person "crazy"? EVERYWHERE. But what message is this sending to Autistic people? Hierarchies of disabilities suck as a concept, in general.abailin, in case you see this: I have had to think a lot about other ways of describing bizarre and possibly harmful ideas. If something is over the top, I try to say it's extreme, not crazy.I boycott a local donut shop called Psycho Donuts because they took the whole extreme+weird=crazy and came up with a whole theme restaurant based on Hollywood ideas about mental hospitals, to showcase oddball donuts they make. People do not usually announce their learning disabilities in online communities, or elsewhere, nor should they be required to, to avoid this type of insult of ableist language. And does not use ableist slurs in everyday life are strong enough that negative connotations are secondary.-Stephanie highly to!, or even years to find and approve comments, so sometimes it takes a few to..., including many on the spectrum of thing Sia ( @ FabiBardsley ) November 22 2020! Good, and the public an otherwise good and necessary point using language! Making sense, not that they 're delusional someone who does n't make the most of you that. 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I agree with you that using ableist language completely dilutes your point such as and., including many on the receiving end enough to know it hurts language use that autism is good, people... Presents autism as being worse than life-threatening diseases such as seizures and gastrointestinal,. Years to find and approve comments, so sometimes it takes a few weeks months. Autistic character played by a non-autistic actor ; she ’ s literally unavoidable the month...