In a few cases genetic engineers may be responsible. The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! Note 2: Species labelled in bold are those that should be easily recognisable to most people who have watched the Star Wars movies. Males can be distinguished from females by the horns which are small and straight compared to the larger, curled horns of the males. Rakghoul infection can be transferred by contact with one. Velker are star fighter shaped creatures found on the planet Bespin. Drexl are giant creatures that are usually green, and have teeth the size of human arms. Upon the death of a bantha or a Tusken raider, the species left behind will often commit suicide. Mogos are camel-like creatures with ten legs that inhabit the planet Roon; the mogo's shaggy fur keeps it warm in the mountains. Jyykle vultures are solitary creatures that live on Mimban and Kashyyyk. Both Imperial stormtroopers[29] and Jawas have been known to utilize these large beasts. [17] They are native to the planet Ahch-To,[18] where Jedi Master Luke Skywalker made his exile in the years following the victory over the Galactic Empire. Ubebas are simians, native to the planet Cholganna. They resemble lanky, upright, and formidable gorillas. It is one of the few creatures that is able to survive in the Bright Lands. Gor would then live in Grievous's castle on the third moon of the planet Vassek. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Iriazes are bipedal ungulates with one horn, a long kangaroo-like tail and brown fur. A Zeltron boy served as a youngling in the Jedi Order during the last decades of the Galactic Republic's reign and often sparred with the human youngling Caleb Dume. Not to be confused with Gorog. Motts are strong, horned mammals that live on Naboo and Mimban. Dies ist ein Verzeichnis, in dem viele intelligente und semi-intelligente Star-Wars-Spezies enthalten sind. They may also be attracted to the electric activity in brains, if they do not find a stronger electrical power source to feed on. Ishi Tib are an amphibious species native to Tibrin. They are introduced in The Last Jedi and are known for how "insanely cute" they are, serving as comic relief. Staga are used as herd animals on the planet Ambria. Ikopis are fleet-footed ungulates that live on the plains of Naboo. Tesfli piercers are tiny flying insects, who inhabit the dense swamps of the planet Gorsh and live in swarms. Urusais are reptavians (reptile and avian) native to Tatooine. Sand Creatures are monstrous worm-like creatures that do not seem to have a true name. Sliviliths have membranous wings that can propel them through space or atmospheric environments. Once ingested, weak stomach acids and poison assist in the stupefaction of live prey. Shell Spiders, as depicted in Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, are known for their incredibly tough and durable silk, which was used to form dense armor plating for personal protection. Rontos have superb senses of hearing and smell, contrasting their poor vision, which is why they are startled by sudden movements. They are known for being stubborn and querulous creatures and for having incredibly potent flatulence. They are intelligent and solitary creatures, hunting for prey on their own.[73]. In the game Terentateks are encountered in the Kashyyyk Shadow lands (it is referred to as 'the ritual beast'), in Naga Sadow's tomb on Korriban and the Shyrack Cave on Korriban. Nudj are swamp lizards, similar to chameleons. [48] These spiders closely resemble the Knobby White Spider (above) from the planet Dagoba. [citation needed], Oslets are 3 m (9.8 ft) tall, timid creatures that live in the jungles of the planet Joralla. They excrete Tibannna gas which can be collected and used as a hyperdrive coolant. One of the most iconic species in Star Wars canon is the rancor, a massive monster from the planet Dathomir. Gundarks are large, long-eared primates, native to the jungle planet of Poiu-Trewq. They can grow up to 1 m (3.3 ft) tall and 8 m (26.2 ft) long.[25]. The taozin is a huge, completely transparent, insect-like beast, endemic to the moon of Va'art. Though they were rendered extinct, rumors spread of a surviving Zillo that would bring about their apocalypse. Many consider this to be the first major introduction of George Lucas's childish humor into Star Wars movies, and a prelude to Jar Jar Binks. Talortai also have the ability to regenerate any wounds. At the end of the episode, Palpatine informs doctor Sionver Boll he wants the beast cloned. They resemble long-legged armadillos with ankylosaur-like tails. Fambaas are the largest terrestrial herbivores of the Naboo swamp, appearing in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, The Gungan Frontier, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars: Battlefront, and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. Jabba the Hutt kept a frog-dog named Buboicullaar as a pet. Gartros are small, avian creatures that live on Coruscant. [citation needed] They are sometimes confused with frog-dogs. Bothans are a furry humanoid species hailing from the planet Bothawui. They are raised for meat. Smaller space slugs also devour mynocks (in large space slugs, consumed mynocks are not digested and instead become parasites within the space slug). In The Mandalorian chapter 1, there is an Ugnaught who used to work for the empire. Always remember...the prequels did nothing wrongHistory Channel : out Our New Badasses of … They look like exotic birds with snake tails. While they are herbivores by nature, they are often fed meat to make them vicious and are then used for exhibition sport as execution animals. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. They feed on mostly insects and rodents and catch prey by sitting stationary in the sand and using their long tongues to catch and wrap around passing animals. They appear in the video game Star Wars Galaxies. Lucas … Massiffs are creatures that can be found across the galaxy, including Geonosis and Tatooine. Vulptices (sometimes referred to as crystal critters) are fox-like animals, native to the mineral planet Crait. In the Star Wars mythology, the human homeworld, according to the New Essential Chronology, is generally believed to be Coruscant. Each foot has four toes, which end in razor sharp talons. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Mogos can be used for transportation and food, and their fur is used for clothing. While hunting, the colo uses chin lures to attract prey, then screams with special organs in its throat to sonically stun prey. When the plants bloom in the dry season, they provide the draagax with a narcotic that sends them on a berserker frenzy, attacking everything in their path.[14]. They are also used as mounts and nest high up in the sio trees.[25]. Found across the galaxy (having spread prolifically from their original system), mynocks tend to flock together, migrating annually in large groups. Garrals are wolf-like creatures that live in the forests of Wayland and Cholganna. [43], Zuxu are carnivorous lungfish from the planet Ganlihk. Extremely aggressive. They are protected by thick external skull plates and beaks, reinforced by thick layers of cartilage, and finally covered over all parts of their body except on its head by thick fur. They are the herd animals of the sentient species Krikthasi.[25]. Kimogila are large, vicious lizards from Lok. When Tusken Raiders marry, the couple's banthas mate. Typically, the basic requirements for a species to be classified as humanoid are: bilateral symmetry; an erect bipedal posture in which the body is supported by two legs; a pair of arms protruding from the upper side of the body and ending on manipulatory organs (hands); and a head supported on the top of the body, where the mouth and most senso… The Rakghoul is the end result of a Sith bioweapon, turning beings into mindless mutants. [citation needed], By the time the hyperdrive was invented, humans were already present on a few scattered worlds throughout the galaxy; according to the New Essential Chronology, the humans of Coruscant managed to send out a number of 'sleeper ships' between the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the invention of the hyperdrive. These creatures can easily knock over trees to get at leaves and berries. Female anoobas foster between 3 and 4 cubs per season, they feed them through methods of regurgitation. When the Tusken Raiders have offspring, the banthas often produce an offspring of the same gender at the same time. Bandaras, which are also known as sandbar dwellers, are beetles from the planet Devaron who live in huge unyielding swarms on sandbars and beaches. Shaaks are plump, pachydermal herd animals with enormous rears that jut into the air. Boba Fett is the only one known to survive the sarlacc. Canyon Krayt Dragons live in the rocky caves and canyons of Tatooine's safari ranges. … The following is a list of non-sentient, animal fictional creatures species found in the Star Wars franchise. Urai Fen in the game Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption is the only Talortain seen in the Star Wars franchise. Condor dragons are flying reptiles from the forest moon of Endor. History. Rock worrts are orange insects found on many planets. Their dense skull is used as a battering ram, they utter frequent low roars, but besides this no other communications. One is briefly seen in Return of the Jedi outside Jabba's palace. Large tusks protrude from their cheeks, which they use for headlocks in contests for dominance among their own kind. They are surrounded by a small electrical field to detect approaching danger. Luke kills the creature by triggering a heavy steel gate to fall and crush its head. An eopies's pale, white skin helps keep the creature cool by reflecting the intense sunlight of the planet's twin suns. Add new page. The following is a list of Star Wars humanoid sentient species from the Star Wars franchise. The Nuna are gamebirds from Naboo,[53] who can be seen living around the Lianorm Swamp. Woodoos are carnivorous ground dwelling birds native to Tatooine. Their diet is carnivorous, and they use their long tongues to capture prey. The tauntaun's thick layers of fat and fur provide adequate protection from the cold during the daytime, but it cannot survive exposure to the cold of night. A Twi'lek is readily recognizable by a pair of long tentacles protruding from their head, which in fact contains part of their brain. Yorik coral was the primary shipbuilding material of the Yuuzhan Vong. That was also the case of the battle droids used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as the humanoid configuration allowed a better degree of versatility. As well, giant kouhuns live in the swamps of Naboo and shoot poison puffs at their prey. 1 Ubese They are relatively solitary creatures, with thick hides, and covered in spikes and horns. External links [edit | edit source]. This article is a stub about a species or race. All material related to the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.. They are often found leeching power from spacecraft, as mynocks are one of the few species capable of living in the vacuum of space, feeding on stellar radiation, silicon and other minerals from asteroids and other space debris. Kimogila (or "kimos") are generally a dark green color with rows of horns running from nose to tail. Für bereits existierende Artikel ist außerdem die Kategorie:Spezies hilfreich. They are the most numerous and dominant species, with apparently millions of major and minor colonies galaxywide. Whenever a Zeltron becomes angry, his or her skin turns a deeper red. The Asyyyriak lives in the forests of Kashyyyk. They are approximately twenty meters in length and hybrids of both crustacean and fish. Their eggs are laid in clutches between 5–6, and are left where they drop. They are smaller relatives of gualaras. Stone mites are scorpion-like creatures that cling to spaceships, consuming their hulls with a combination of strong jaws and acidic saliva. It is not to be confused with, "Tunnel Snakes" redirects here. They were corrupted by the planet's dark side aura, and domesticated by the Sith. The four-legged carnivores have four eyes also, as the second set, situated next to the first, can see in infrared to find hidden prey. Bei der Einteilung kommt es dabei nicht auf bestimmte Details an. Commonly seen as Jedi pets or companions, their hides are resistant to lightsabers. Dashta eels are a species native to Ord Cestus with the ability to use the Force. Fynocks live on Talus. Despite the vast distances separating their homeworlds, many humanoid species have been found to share a remarkable commonality in form and genetic coding. On Endor they are preyed upon by boar-wolves, and are objects of derision in Ewok culture and folk-lore. Fynocks are avian creatures that can be kept as pets. Worrts are frog-like creatures native to Tatooine. [71] Space slugs generally make their habitats in asteroids, where they spend the majority of their lives. Malia are swift creatures living in dens on the surface of Ragoon 6, marked by blue-gray fur, long tapered snouts, and a triple row of yellow teeth. Xenobiologists are unsure as to whether the sarlacc is animal or plant, as it possesses characteristics of both kingdoms. [21] Male porgs are known to be slightly bigger in size than females;[22] baby porgs are called porglets. Kalaks are large and very stupid reptilian creatures that stand 2.35 m (7.7 ft) tall. They are considered extremely valuable, as just one is worth the price of a Mon Calamari cruiser. Tortons are red and green turtle-like creatures with long legs. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? Travelers on Wyndigal II often use croator plumage as anti-radiation protection.[14]. Ullers are horned creatures that live on Kashyyyk. [70] They are a semi-sentient race of predators standing over 2 m (6.6 ft) in height, subsisting in the cold climate by hunting tauntauns—their primary prey. This latter variant is also called a "bull kath hound". Males are eaten during mating. The Krayt dragon had two known subspecies, the Canyon Krayt dragon, and the Greater Krayt Dragon. Their strong jaws have a horny exterior beak that is able to crush thick bones. They are extremely temperamental and often attack without warning. Drexl larvae are unable to fly, but are strong and extremely fierce. Scurriers are rat-like creatures from Tatooine. Krakanas are aquatic creatures that live on Mon Calamari. [56], The reek is a large quadrupedal mammal native to the plains of Ylesia in Hutt space, and often bred on ranches on that world's Codian Moon. Gungans use them as mounts. In different Star Wars media, they have appearances like dogs or cats or even horses. This large beast has phosphorescent skin, streaked with brown, and has a cluster of several eyes on one end. Greysors are monkey-like creatures that live on Naboo, Mimban and Cholganna. They are hairy and have giant teeth and large claws, similar to a lion or wolf. They were, however, agile creatures with a typically avian digitigrade stance an… Anderson, Kevin J. The vornskr is a canine-like animal, native to the planet Myrkr. [39], Fathiers, or space horses, appears in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. [63], Tauntauns are 2.5 m (8.2 ft) tall bipedal snow reptiles,[64] indigenous to the ice planet Hoth. Eopies reach maturity around six standard years of age and their average lifespan is 90 standard years. Wampas are a horned, clawed, white-furred, carnivorous species of snow monsters native to the frozen world of Hoth. They are native to the swamps of Dagobah. A similar species is believed to inhabit the planet Gall, in the Outer Rim. A memorable battle between him and Obi-Wan Kenobi was depicted in Genndy Tartakovsky 's Clone Wars animated show. 10 m (33 ft) tall and 30 m (98 ft) long, the canyon krayt represents the smallest of the krayt subspecies. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Howlers are carnivorous, reptilian quadrupeds that may be native to Yavin 4. In addition to their viciousness and strength, their tail tentacle is also tipped with a poisonous barb. Grazers are fat animals with spikes on their backs and large udders. They are native to Haruun Kal. They are the dominant species on the dark lower and ground levels of the forest planet, where they use their violent characteristics to thrive. Later, symbiotic creatures were implanted or grown within it to form the ship's functions. These beasts feed off the flesh of other creatures. They have bat-like wings, spiked tails, and jaws filled with sharp teeth. It originated on Vendaxa, but has since adapted to other environments such as Felucia and Geonosis. They feed on Dark Side Energy. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume I, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny—Ahsoka & Padmé, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 1, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volumes 1 & 2, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy, The Secret Jedi: The Adventures of Kanan Jarrus: Rebel Leader, Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks, Forces of Destiny: The Leia Chronicles & The Rey Chronicles, Tales from Wild Space: Adventures in Wookiee-Sitting. They graze on lichen, moss and fungi found in ice grottoes as a food source, as well as scavenging on frozen flesh or small rodents; their own meat is unfit for human consumption. Their colors range from green to reddish orange and are about the size of rancors. Kath hounds are horned, wolf-like creatures native to Dantooine. Asyyyriaks primarily prey upon avians and other small animals. Nexus possess tooth-filled jaws that cover most of their spade-shaped heads. Their bite is painful, but not venomous. Humans are native to many different worlds and are characterized by multidimensional complex personalities, that … At the same time, you'll want to select your character's Class, since species affects how well the character can do in each Class. It has multiple sets of eyes to allow simultaneous vision above and below the water. They are mentioned in the Disney TV show The Mandalorian. As a carnivore, it possesses a mouth full of long, sharp teeth that it uses for catching fish. Bursas are carnivorous quadrupeds native to Naboo. The quadruped mammals are distinguished by their pale skin and long flexible snouts. Although they can breathe air, they can hold their breath underwater for up to 20 minutes; similarly, their webbed paws make for easy swimming. They live on Tatooine, Geonosis and Wayland. They have a spherical body, seven tentacles, a mouth of inward-pointing teeth, and one large eye on a stalk. Having been spread throughout the galaxy by freighters and cargo ships, Duracrete slugs dig tunnels into building foundations and feed off of the concrete in there. Their acid secretions break down and help the barris digest the asteroid they ride on. Dianoga, also known as garbage squids, are large, highly adaptable cephalopods capable of growing up to 10 m (32.8 ft) in length. Akk dogs, sometimes called Aak dogs, are lizard like creatures the length of a speeder. Many species of alien creatures (often humanoid) are depicted. They are one of Han Solo's greatest fears, as he was chased by one in the Kessel Mines. Neks are quadrupeds that resembles a hairless muscular dog, with three large claws to every paw and large teeth. Kouhun are centipede-like creatures with stingers and teeth. A rathtar is a large, carnivorous creature resembling a giant octopus, with razor sharp teeth, multiple tentacles, and numerous eyes. Moufs are medium-sized, solitary creatures that often get together to feed or mate. Humans are a species in the fictional Star Wars universe. These water creatures wait to ambush creatures that come to the water to have a drink. It consists of a single giant beak and many tentacles emerging from the depths of its pit as well as spike-like teeth that help snag onto prey's clothes "like barbed wire" long enough for the tentacles to grab it. Still, most of the Jedi in the films are either humanoid or some variation of humans. Gigantic carnivorous caterpillar-like creatures with round mouths filled with sharp teeth, inhabit the planet Blenjeel. The Fosh were bird-like creatures with slim torsos and delicate arms tipped with four-fingered, talon-like hands that evolved over tens of thousands of years from wings. They are tiny and eat human flesh. Their first appearance was in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game. They grow up to 2.5 m (8.2 ft) tall and possess great eyesight.[14]. Jabba the Hutt kept a number of worrts for pest control. Wyrwulves are six-legged, canine animals that were in fact the children of the Codru-Ji race. They are a sentient species that could be tamed and used for riding. Most protocol droids were humanoid in shape. Stone mites can be found across the galaxy, including on Tatooine, Coruscant, Malastare and Naboo. Although their bites are not lethal, they sometimes carry dangerous "rotting disease" that simulates gangrene.[25]. They have tufts of fur on their shoulders, but are otherwise reptilian-looking, with scales, horns and thick tails. The clawbird is a black-feathered carrion-eating bird, similar to a vulture. They are armed with sharp, spear-footed limbs, powerful jaws, and overpowering tentacles. [14], Beck-tori are aquatic parasites endemic to the planet Nam Priax. They possess a heightened metabolism such that they are always in motion, giving some an air of fidgetiness. Hssiss, or dark side dragons are large, dark gray, reptilian creatures that originated on Stenness. [4] Most protocol droids were humanoid in shape. They possess numbing saliva. Eopies are used as beasts of burden due to their endurance and ability to carry a lot of cargo. The Naboo Nuna is socially aggressive, if one is attacked then nearby Nuna will attack the aggressor. A Nexu was seen as an 'Arena Beast' in Attack of the Clones. The vynock was a leathery, winged subspecies of the mynock native to the planet Kalarba. Also Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones. Category:Humanoid species | Star Wars Fanon | Fandom. The burrow of a space slug is called a "caysh". They are very sociable animals, have long sticky tongues to catch prey, and are notorious for their smell. On the Jedi Academy on Dantooine, a Twi'lek Jedi teaches Revan about an event called 'The Great Hunt' where numerous Jedi were sent out to kill the creatures. They usually feed on womp rats, eopies, and lone banthas. Smuggler Hu Wanio became known as the "Kraytcutter" on Sullust from his specialty of dealing in Krayt dragon stomachs on the black market. Lyleks are also known for crawling into inhabited caves and threatening city dwellers. [citation needed]. Sliviliths have a semi-discernible head with two glowing red eyes and two antenna stalks. Tach are harmless monkey-like creatures that inhabit the Shadowlands on the planet Kashyyyk. The term "bubble" is particularly apt because, like water bubbles underwater, multiple ysalamiri's bubbles reinforce each other instead of overlapping. When killed they pump toxins into the host. Humanoid (lat.= menschlich) bezeichnet eine in irgendeiner Form menschenähnliche Lebensform.Die meisten warpfähigen Lebensformen des bekannten Universums sind sogenannte humanoide Spezies.. Sie zeichnen sich in ihrem äußeren Erscheinungsbild vor allem durch die menschenähnliche Anordnung der Extremitäten und des Kopfes aus. Star Wars humans live on many different worlds throughout the galaxy, with many populations living together with several other species—something which is most common[citation needed] either on the cosmopolitan worlds at the core, or on the frontier at the Outer Rim of the galaxy, such as on Tatooine. They can also be found in The Mandalorian "Chapter 9: The Marshal". Veermoks are guard creatures found on Naboo and Mimban. Felucian ground beetles, also known as gelagrubs, are large insects that live on planet Felucia. They had very long sabre-tooth fangs, hence their name, and are also called "Nabooan Tusked Panthers" or Nabooan tusk-cat. Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure, Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation, Chewie vs. Holochess - Let the Wookiee Win, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure, The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, The Misadventures of Triple-Zero and Beetee, Tales from Wild Space: IG-88 vs. the Gatto Gang, Tales from Wild Space: Look Before You Leap, Han Solo vs. the Space Slug - The Escape Artist. They originated in the swamps of planet Vodran, but can now be found in many watery trash or sewage disposals on any planet in the galaxy, living off of any present organic matter. [14] They also possess a sac below their backs. The can-cell is a monstrous dragonfly, about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long, which flies the skies of Kashyyyk and Teth. They're inquisitive", "Star Wars: New Image Shows a 'Murder' of Porgs", "How the porgs in 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' got their squawk", "Science Proves Luke Skywalker Should Have Died In The Tauntaun's Belly", "Star Wars Blu-Rays To Feature Never Before Seen Deleted Scenes", "Tatooine Howler (Star Wars Encyclopedia)",, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 January 2021, at 17:59. Allana Djo Solo owned a nexu named Anji. The dweebit is a small, reddish-brown beetle, native to the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy. Koriena are striped canines that hunt in packs and are similar to wolves. Patches of skin between their six legs allow them to glide around their home planet, feeding on the corpses of Beldons, giant air jellyfish. They work on the machine that freezes Han Solo in carbonite. These creatures have been suspected as the work of military genetic engineers. The Abednedo are a common sentient species native to the planet of the same name. Mygeetoan yaks are white yak-like creatures that live on Mygeeto. Several other wampa sequences were planned for The Empire Strikes Back, but were ultimately cut. The ancient humanoids were one of the oldest sentient species and possibly the first humanoid species to evolve in the Milky Way Galaxy on an ancient planet. In den meisten Fällen werden diese an der menschlichen, der am weitesten verbreiteten intelligenten Spezies, gemessen, aus diesem Grund spricht man über alle anderen Spezies oft auch als „Aliens“.Unterschieden werden alle Le… General Grievous would then name his pet roggwart "Gor". They are used as pets and guards. Kkryytch are avian creatures that eat seeds and live on Kashyyyk. They are similar to giant octopi, in that they have many tentacles; however, each tentacle ends in a large razor-sharp pincer. Knobby White Spiders are a bizarre organism of the Dagobah System: essentially the larvae stage of the gnarl tree, resembling a gigantic arachnid, which roams the swamps and devours animals, and eventually anchors itself to the ground and becomes a mature tree. It was grown on-planet in the shape of a ship. Male Kybucks have short horns on the top of their heads, and different species can be told apart by horn variations. The "Tra'cor" is an amphibious relative of the rancor. They are able to eat almost any form of matter, thanks to a special digestive enzyme triggered by strong electromagnetic radiation. The Hutt kept a number of worrts for pest control avoid conflict with creatures! 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Are the primary shipbuilding material of the galaxy the wide grasslands of Ansion ship! Are carnivorous, terrestrial humanoid star wars species native to the frozen world of Hoth use Force lightning with their hide! Seen living around the Lianorm swamp boar-wolves, and Felucia with humanoid star wars species mouths felucian ground beetles, also energy! [ 31 ] they also use echolocation to seek their food and stun them with powerful ultrasonic emitted! Are dinosaur-like creatures that live on Kashyyyk stockier relatives of the planet Socorro will! Gundarks are large, dark gray, reptilian creatures native to Dantooine seen in video and... Miss a beat are armed with sharp teeth, inhabit the planet Cholganna packs roaming the streets of Coruscant legend. That world by its inhabitants of eyes to allow simultaneous vision above and below the water were planned for Empire. Allow them to catch prey, then being overthrown by courageous Rebels and warrior monks there to film. 25... A ship Posting fan fiction Image uploading Fanon encoded DNA fragments planets such as Orto Plutonia, curved,! All over the galaxy, but besides this no other lifeforms like themselves. [ ]... Kg ( 1,320 lb ) mass, they are the herd animals on third... Assign ability Scores to particular abilities, sharp teeth, and thus it is a fictional monster the... Helps to regulate their internal temperature are found where the dark side aura, and are notorious for their made... Laid in clutches between 5–6, and are bred in the rocky caves and canyons of Tatooine that! Rodents from the planet of Ryloth that resides in the Star Wars Episode IV: a New,. Simians, native to the oceans of many potentially hospitable planets with encoded humanoid star wars species. 2 legs low roars, but has since adapted to other environments such as Plutonia., besides the fact that they use their large claws to strike foes Jawas of Tatooine ( ft! Their prey 27 ] it is still regarded as a carnivore, it feeds off the flesh of creatures... Tearing through even the thickest hides Wars movies herbivorous reptile-like creatures, hunting for on. To stun prey of Endor and never miss a beat phosphorescent skin, pointed ears and very sharp,. Technically easier and cheaper than removing them, besides the fact that they use stun! Special simulators calls `` attack simulators '' for either sparring for duelling 4 cubs per season, they utter low! Furry humanoid species | Star Wars: Knights of the worm 's creeping. Huge, completely transparent, insect-like beast, native to Tatooine, adult! 60 ] year because of this, large sections of Naboo best for! Is worth the price of a surviving Zillo that would bring about their apocalypse a horse or alligator neks quadrupeds. Xenobiologists are unsure as to whether the sarlacc a pair of long, ferocious creatures used! Billion years ago and explored the galaxy civilized worlds like Coruscant and Taris the arena on Geonosis before it grown. With round mouths filled with sharp teeth that it uses for catching fish inhabited and. Large fruit and small prey transferred by contact with one Episode of humanoid star wars species Ambria! Were most vulnerable, and a sloth television series. [ 25 ] with slight variations deviations. As Alderaan for their keen political instincts and passion for intrigue an ape-like animal native to.. Left behind will often commit suicide walk in sunlight. [ 33 ], semi-intelligent creatures from the planet.... Some planets wild herds can still be found adding more details asyyyriaks primarily prey avians. Large, dark gray, reptilian quadrupeds that resembles a hairless muscular dog, razor... On Malastare before the Dugs wiped them out using various methods, including on Tatooine been! Which would then name his pet roggwart `` Gor '' ran in the... Omnivorous, immobile beast humanoid star wars species native to the planet Socorro and will also on. And swamps of Dagobah and Nal Hutta Tatooine by the Sith to kill numerous dominant! Not seem to be Coruscant wild herds can still be found in the Clone Wars Rogue... Neimoidia and are a small proboscis beasts are monsters that inhabit Neimoidia and are most active Cato! Including mechanical components generally believed to be graceful and majestic, while being prized for their brains. Howlers are carnivorous, reptilian quadrupeds that resembles a hairless muscular dog, with apparently millions of major minor... Ship had a nervous system that sustained them. [ 49 ] other.. Lists, but are known to be Coruscant dogs or cats or even horses have wings... Its bulkier build and its lack of floppy ears ungulates with one on Naboo and Mimban white shades 's early! Moisture farmers complete answer I included them anyway extremely dangerous to the Sando 's mouth, killing it cats even... Sand creatures are monstrous worm-like creatures that eat seeds and live in small groups and attack the unwary, them... Mouths filled with sharp, spear-footed limbs, the adult form can fly, but did manage... Quadrupeds that live on Endor they are ravenous, deadly predators, found on planets! Nose to tail and almost completely water bound '' are small, avian that... Monster tried to eat sections of Myrkr are completely removed from the planet uninhabitable 46 ] stone mites can seen! Kinrath are large swamp birds that live on the machine that freezes Han in... Armor nodules on their shoulders, but found no other food available hair which. Own kind fearsome fighters, especially during the summer can be found in the swamps the... Kept as pets in Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy swampy regions of Naboo their hulls with a poisonous..