Apollo-11-Reentry_LM-Docking-and-Undocking_802290.mxf. 101:53:30 Armstrong (onboard): You want [garble]? 100:56:37 Collins: Okay. 100:20:11 Collins (onboard): I'd have to fire laterally once or twice. The desired spacecraft attitude is measured relative to the alignment of the guidance platform. 101:45:07 Armstrong (onboard): Yes. Thanks. 101:45:54 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. Over. Throttle Control to Auto. 101:56:34 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. [Long pause. 101:57:40 Armstrong (onboard): How are you doing - you going to be about ready to mark? I'm oscillating between 0.69 and seven-tenths. 100:32:55 Collins: I agree. [Garble.]. 101:29:19 Collins (onboard): Stand by one. 101:46:34 Collins (onboard): I have you right down [garble] 65 feet per second. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. 102:03:19 Armstrong (onboard): AELD is in. About 7 minutes to LOS. 099:49:29 Collins (onboard): Well, it looks like it's pointed right at my head - that's hard south. How's our roll? We'll be ready to go in just a minute. I [garble] if it doesn't trigger a light... 102:03:51 Armstrong (onboard): Oh, we're in Pulse, and we're not commanding any firing... 102:03:55 Aldrin (onboard): I don't know. 099:40:39 Aldrin (onboard): Yes, those look like good ones right now. 101:29:12 Collins (onboard): Very good. 101:55:54 Aldrin (onboard): Can't change this thing, once it gets going; like in the middle of a... Time of ignition, TIG: 103 hours, 40 minutes, 0.00 seconds. 100:14:41 Armstrong (onboard): [Garble.] 101:43:08 Aldrin (onboard): Roger. [Long pause.]. PDI less than 10, 105:12:30. 100:17:51 Duke: Eagle, Houston. Skylab 4 - seating was Carr-Gibson-Pogue (l.t.r). 101:23:54 Duke: And, Eagle, on my Mark we'll have 12 minutes 'til ignition. 101:44:23 Aldrin (onboard): Can't beat that. 101:49:11 Armstrong (onboard): In 2 more minutes. 101:43:27 Collins (onboard): Yes, 76 is in [garble] locked up. 102:06:51 Armstrong (onboard): What do you hear? Phasing TIG 103:40:00.00. PAO: We should have cut-off by this time. Apollo 11 was the first mission to land humans on the Moon. 102:04:42 Aldrin (onboard): Alright, TTCA... 102:04:44 Armstrong (onboard): Throttle on Minimum. I picked up a little roll. 101:58:46 Aldrin (onboard): 124 19, 124 19. Don't have to write it down. He's so quiet. 101:17:53 Duke: Eagle, Houston. 099:50:19 Collins (onboard): How'd the AGS Cal work out? Transposition and docking was performed on all Apollo missions which carried both the CSM and the LM, from Apollo 9 onward. 101:18:31 Aldrin: Rog. 100:49:16 Duke: Thank you, sir. We'd like P00 and Data. 101:29:01 Armstrong (onboard): Mike, how do you read? 102:00:29 Armstrong (onboard): Stand by. 101:00:16 Duke: Roger. Apollo 11 Lunar Module Undocking From the Command Module Aug 24, 2010 This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. The original database describes this as: Description: A close-up view of the docking target on the Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) photographed from the Command and Service Module (CSM) during the LM/CSM docking in lunar orbit. Thank you, Houston. That's in the Flight Plan. We're now 6 minutes, 8 seconds from ignition and... 100:33:47 Duke: Apollo 11, Houston. Mag A: View of Lunar Module (LM) / S-4B during transposition & docking with Command & Service Module (CSM). (Laughter). Jun 9, 2018 - From 1961 to 1972, these NASA missions changed space exploration forever. You guys all set? Whenever you're ready to let it go free, why just tell me. 101:57:46 Aldrin (onboard): Yes. 100:15:26 Collins (onboard): Okay, looks pretty good to me now. 101:00:01 Collins: Houston, Apollo - or Houston, Columbia. We've had Loss Of Signal now, and the spacecraft Eagle has been given a Go for Descent Orbit Insertion. 102:08:33 Aldrin (onboard): Okay, I'm going to get the Ascent Batts, On. 100:54:20 Aldrin: Roger. 100:17:19 Collins (onboard): Yes. 100:31:23 Duke: That's affirmative. 100:18:09 Duke: Roger, Neil. We'll [garble]. 102:00:18 Aldrin (onboard): Ready whenever you are. I don't know when it - when it went out, because we didn't get any light that I saw, did you? Everything's going just swimmingly. We'll [garble]. 102:00:36 Aldrin (onboard): Okay. Thank you, Buzz. Stand by for my Mark. Command Module acquisition time is 102 hours, 14 minutes, 38 seconds. 101:57:14 Armstrong (onboard): Now I need a Verb 76. How's it going? When you're ready to copy, I have a lunar surface data PAD for you. 102:00:29 Armstrong (onboard): Stand by. Go, Columbia. 102:15:57 Collins: Okay. 102:03:24 Aldrin (onboard): Cycle the CWEA? Download Image of AS11-36-5363 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Lunar Module (LM) Docking Target. 102:04:12 Armstrong (onboard): [Garble.] 100:31:38 Collins (onboard): Okay, Neil, I'm all set for the Sep burn, and we're looking good on this phasing. He's coming along. Apollo 10 was a May 1969 human spaceflight, the fourth crewed mission in the United States Apollo program, and the second (after Apollo 8) to orbit the Moon. It went up to space on July 16, 1969, carrying three astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the moon, while Collins stayed in orbit around the Moon. How do you read? 102:01:00 Armstrong (onboard): Okay, Mike, we passed the star check. 101:54:38 Collins (onboard): [Garble] updates [garble]. You - Our torquing angles, Noun 93, on four zeros and a 3 are minus 00292, plus 00289, minus 00094. 101:43:47 Collins (onboard): And we're [garble] 7.5 [garble]. 099:43:21 Aldrin (onboard): Roger, Mike. 101:56:46 Aldrin (onboard): No, that's the wrong circuit - that's [garble]. 100:14:34 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. This part of the transcript commences as Apollo 11 passes behind the Moon on its last orbit before undocking. We just got seven-tenths on the radar. 101:43:52 Aldrin (onboard): Roger. Over. This eventually put the lunar module in an orbit of 112.8 by 15.7 kilometers (60.9 by 8.5 nautical miles) that took the crew directly over Landing Site No. 099:41:26 Collins (onboard): A few minutes. (d) Pitch rate as a function of time • (e) Roll rate as a function of time . Transposition and a mock LM-docking approach was first simulated on the Earth-orbiting Apollo 7 flight (which carried a docking target in the SLA, but no LM). Out. We got a - If you'll give us P00 and Data, we've got the loads for you. Addeddate 2010-07-16 22:43:30 Filename AS11-36-5365.tif Identifier AS11-36 … 100:18:04 Armstrong: The Eagle has wings. TPI for PDI greater than 10, 107:11:30.00. Jim Lovell is seated next to him with Fred Haise beyond.]. T-3 time - correction T-3, T-3 TIG: 104:39:41.00, 001:58:15.00, 001:58:54.00. Five-by, Mike. Okay? Beautiful. Burn in 46 minutes. 102:07:35 Armstrong (onboard): That's more than we've ever had in the simulator, isn't it? 100:14:22 Armstrong (onboard): Okay with you if I start my pitch, or you think you're not far enough away yet, Mike? We've wandered back over the bellyband now - let me assure that AGS Cal. How do you read? . 100:18:56 Collins (onboard): Camera's working beautifully. 100:55:50 Collins: Would you put your tracking light on, please? 101:14:22 Collins: Eagle, this is Columbia. 101:57:14 Armstrong (onboard): Now I need a Verb 76. Deke Slayton (foreground) and Jim Lovell look on.]. . To make it even more confusing, during re-entry CDR and CMP quite often swapped seats (i.e. Okay? 102:04:18 Aldrin (onboard): Engine Stop button was reset? This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 101 hours, 29 minutes. Okay? 102:10:06 Armstrong (onboard): Sounds like wind whipping around the trees. The Apollo 11 Lunar Module Timeline Book is the most important manual used to accomplish the goal of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth, a mission first set out by by President John F. Kennedy in a speech to a joint session of Congress on 25 May 1961.. 100:17:11 Armstrong (onboard): The MESA is not down, right? Houston, you reading Eagle now on aft Omni? 102:12:50 Collins (onboard): Ready to give them a status report? 099:31:56 Collins (onboard): Eagle, you read Columbia? 102:02:50 Aldrin (onboard): You got Inverter 1 circuit breaker in, right? That's where I want it to go. 101:45:06 Aldrin (onboard): Got them both? 101:54:09 Armstrong (onboard): 312, it likes. Let us know when you're ready to copy. Noun 86, minus 00759, plus all balls, plus 00090. Foxtrot. Mag C: View from CSM of LM undocking in lunar orbit. Over. 100:41:07 Duke: Columbia, Houston. Published. 102:05:09 Armstrong (onboard): Yes, it's about a second off. PDI? Reading you loud and clear. That will be just about 2 minutes prior to the time that we will have reacquired the Lunar Module. I'm maneuvering the [garble]. The spacecrafts used for the Apollo 11 mission were Apollo CSM-107 (Apollo command and service module) and Apollo LM-5 (Apollo Lunar Module). If you are ready, give the mark and we'll go to B Data. 100:52:43 Duke: Rog, Buzz. Take your sweet time. [Garble.]. 14 Apollo 11 LM (LM-5) on the lunar surface 15 Apollo 11 LM (LM-5) minus-Z (aft) footpad 16 Apollo 11 (LM-5) attitudes and attitude rates at touchdown (a) Pitch angle as a function of time . These should not be in Auto, right? 102:04:45 Aldrin (onboard): ...Enable - Enable - Throttle in Minimum. 100:13:30 Armstrong (onboard): There's sure a better visual in the simulator. Jun 9, 2018 - From 1961 to 1972, these NASA missions changed space exploration forever. 100:58:57 Aldrin: Okay. 101:44:13 Aldrin (onboard): ...for [garble]... 101:44:15 Armstrong (onboard): High Bit, 8 minutes. 102:00:43 Armstrong (onboard): Mark it. 101:54:47 Armstrong (onboard): Yes, we're keeping busy down here. 5:35pm EDT #OTD in 1969 #Apollo50 #Apollo50th” 102:02:11 Armstrong (onboard): Cotton picker just won't stay - try it! I'm right on in pitch. 099:35:09 Aldrin (onboard): Okay. Got your stopwatch? On 30 July 1971 two astronauts (Apollo 15 Commander David R. Scott and LM pilot James B. Irwin) landed in the Hadley Rille/Apennines region of the Moon in the Lunar Module (LM) while the Command and Service Module (CSM) (with CM pilot Alfred M. Worden) continued in lunar orbit. 102:01:04 Collins (onboard): Very good. 099:53:41 Collins (onboard): Thank you. 100:14:39 Collins (onboard): Okay. As the spacecraft went around the corner, all systems on both vehicles looked very good. Over. 099:33:04 Collins (onboard): Read you loud and clear, Buzz. We see you on the steerable. 101:29:59 Aldrin (onboard): Okay, let's switch to B Data now. [Caplinger - "The Maurer camera weighed 2.8 pounds with a 140-foot, thin base film magazine … 101:29:59 Aldrin (onboard): Okay, let's switch to B Data now. Might look at the DPS. The checklist is requesting I add PAD values for AGS addresses 514-516 but the AGS PAD data from MCC didn’t include these. That Saturn gave us a magnificent ride. 100:14:34 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. Apollo 11. houston Apollo 11, Houston. Don't have to write it down. You don't hear that, huh? I [garble] if it doesn't trigger a light... The LM landed at 20:17:40 UT (4:17:40 p.m. EDT) on 20 July 1969 in the region known as Mare T… 101:49:09 Aldrin (onboard): Yes, that's right. 100:14:31 Collins (onboard): I'd prefer you stand by just a couple of seconds, Neil. You can go back to Block. On my mark, 7 minutes 'til ignition. And the resulting orbit for the LM will be 57.2 by 8.5 nautical miles [105.9 by 15.7 km]. It re-emerges as two separate spacecraft with their own call signs, Columbia and Eagle.They make one further lunar orbit, then the Eagle enters its descent orbit by … 100:18:44 Collins (onboard): It came on. 134 17, Key Release, Proceed. I'm ready to go back to VHF Ranging configuration. 100:18:01 Armstrong: Roger. Well, I can [garble] - the radar antenna. 101:44:10 Armstrong (onboard): 8 minutes... 101:44:11 Aldrin (onboard): We're in good shape... 101:44:12 Armstrong (onboard): ...coming up on 8 minutes. This is the time of a burn that would lead to an intercept trajectory with the CSM. 100:12:10 Aldrin (onboard): Looks like a good Sep. 100:12:19 Collins (onboard): Looks good to me. 101:44:12 Armstrong (onboard): ...coming up on 8 minutes. I'll wait for when you're ready - when you think you've got your rates killed perfectly. 101:56:46 Aldrin (onboard): No, that's the wrong circuit - that's [garble]. 101:30:29 Aldrin (onboard): Go ahead. Yaw is not included because it does not affect the pointing of the engine. 413 - [garble] it should have been - closer yet. 100:59:11 Collins: I'm steady on 0.70 now. At the begining of that interval, Neil had the LM yawed left 15 degrees, which increased to 16 degree during the final two seconds before the landing, and then decreased to 13 degress as the LM settled on the surface.] The desired spacecraft attitude is measured relative to the alignment of the guidance platform. That should have completed Descent Orbit Insertion maneuver. 2, the target assigned to Apollo 11. You are Go for separation, Columbia. 100:36:44 Collins: Is that close enough for you, or do you want it to a couple of decimal places? The difference is perhaps due to the AGS using its own attitude reference. Over. 102:06:00 Armstrong (onboard): Yes. 101:59:05 Armstrong (onboard): Do another one? Over. First is a PDI abort < 10 minutes. Over. Crossrange: 2.1 nautical miles south. 101:45:05 Armstrong (onboard): What? 100:55:10 Duke: Rog. 100:17:49 Collins (onboard): Now, you're looking good. ], 100:51:10 Duke: We've got the load in, Eagle. I'll go to duplex ranging on your Mark, and we will be quiet and wait for your call. 100:55:54 Collins: Thank you. Is there somewhere else to find these values? Minus 0075.8, plus all zeros, plus 0009.8, 0057.2, plus 0008.5, 0076.4, 030, 000, 293; minus 0075.9, plus all zeros, plus 0009.0; NA. I'll wait for when you're ready - when you think you've got your rates killed perfectly. 101:44:31 Aldrin (onboard): Hold on to the [garble] below. Well, I can [garble] - the radar antenna. Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. NASA photo ID AS11-37-5444. Oh, that must have been - [garble]. Stand by. We'll stand by for a call to the crew. 100:32:40 Collins: Columbia reading you loud and clear, Houston. Activate Interstage on CM covering Nozzle 4. start docking, after dock with LM 5. 102:05:13 Aldrin (onboard): If it's fast, I'll stop it. Immagini Video tratte da APOLLO 11 16MM ONBOARD FILM (1969)http://archive.org/details/Apollo1116mmOnboardFilm 101:53:54 Aldrin (onboard): No, I'm not Auto. The burn duration, 29.8 seconds. I think I'd got it to 90.0 before it went there. 101:57:02 Aldrin (onboard): Alright, let me - let me do my rain dance with the DSKY here. [Garble] looks okay, Mike. Apollo-11-Reentry_LM-Docking-and-Undocking_802290.mxf.txt. Here goes. Over. 102:09:38 Armstrong (onboard): Go to Auto Track? Throttle Control to Auto. In the remarks: T-2 occurs at PDI plus 21:26. [This clip shows Charlie Duke at the CapCom console reading out the PDI abort PADs. 100:31:27 Armstrong: Okay, he says he'll do that as soon as he gets around there. 102:09:22 Armstrong (onboard): No - I can't tell. In Auto now. How are all the systems looking? You can torque it. Armstrong and Aldrin check out all the systems on the lunar module Eagle, then undock from the command module Columbia and prepare to start the … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for APOLLO 17 MOON LANDING LM-CSM UNDOCKING Austria Space Cover (2834) at the best online prices at … DOI P76 PAD, if you're ready to copy. Everything is Go here in Mission Control, and aboard the spacecraft for the Descent Orbit Insertion to occur in 6 minutes, 38 seconds. 101:56:08 Armstrong (onboard): PGNS Mode Control in Auto. 102:12:50 Collins (onboard): Ready to give them a status report? Good readback, Eagle. That cocksucker may be trouble. 099:40:31 Collins (onboard): Halfway through it, it looks like I have [garble] degrees in roll is about all. 101:51:40 Aldrin (onboard): What do you mean by bringing - bringing CSM trash in here? 101:00:08 Collins: Rog. hopefully take LM control after docking with CM. [Long pause.]. That help? It was on time - residuals are nulled, and AGS's free. Over. Over. The LM descent engine fired for 30 seconds at 19:08 UT, putting the craft into a descent orbit with a closest approach 14.5 km above the Moon's surface. DOI P76: 84 is minus 00758, all balls, plus 00098, at 101:36:14.00; plus 0122.3, minus all balls, plus 0188.9; 102:44:27.00; burn time 46 and 30 seconds. How we test gear. 099:41:49 Collins (onboard): GET of the separation burn is 100:39:50 even. It should really - it should be pointing from the - you know, our forward axis? Eagle is ready to copy. Noun 80 - correction, Noun 84: minus 00758, plus all zeros, plus 00098; Noun 33: 101:36:14.00, and stand by for the PDI plus 12. 102:05:00 Aldrin (onboard): It's - oh - about - probably maybe a second, right here, [garble] 32. 102:07:28 Armstrong (onboard): DPS's good... 102:07:30 Aldrin (onboard): Look at all that RCS we got. 102:05:09 Armstrong (onboard): Yes, it's about a second off. . 101:58:45 Armstrong (onboard): Mark it. APOLLO 11 APOLLO AS-506/CSM-107/LM-5 FINAL FLIGHT PLAN JULY 1, 1969 Submitted by: L. J. Riché Flight Planning Branch G. M. Colton Flight Planning Branch T. A. Guillory Flight Planning Branch Approved by: W. J. Could NASA's Astronaut Suits for Mars Be Designed by MIT and the Motorcycle Fashionistas at Dainese? This was later found to have been due to greater propellant 'slosh' than expected, uncovering a fuel sensor. 101:59:33 Armstrong (onboard): Mark it. I'm still holding [garble]. Over. Apollo 11 lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center . 102:12:54 Aldrin (onboard): Well, I hope it's on the right page. Spacecraft attitude at TIG: Roll, 0°; Pitch, 190°. 101:49:06 Armstrong (onboard): I have to roll. Which one do you want? That suit your fancy? 106,783 views. PAO: This is Apollo Control. I'm going to check Inverter 1. if you want docking with LM-Turn on the lamp that is in the CM 1. undocking on the LM 2. More than 10, 107:11:30. We're standing by. We have a couple of state vectors for you. 101:45:54 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. [Long pause.]. This burn would set up the phasing conditions for a subsequent burn to intercept the CSM. 100:37:31 Collins: I think you've got a fine looking flying machine there, Eagle, despite the fact you're upside down. Angles coming up in another 2 minutes. I might have bumped the hand controller. Next come a series of burns that would be used to return to the Command Module in the event of an abort. Purpose: The first part of the PAD gives details of the burn that will take the crew to the lunar surface. 102:14:19 Armstrong (onboard): Okay, you want to give it - Okay, we've lost it. 100:59:05 Aldrin: Very good. 099:32:31 Aldrin (onboard): Okay, I'm ready to go to B Data now. 101:50:52 Aldrin (onboard): Trade you that for a piece of gum. 100:36:46 Armstrong: No. 099:31:58 Aldrin (onboard): Roger. Feb 25, 2020 #2 I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's telling you to read off registers 514-516 … 102:12:46 Aldrin (onboard): Give me... [Pause. [Long pause.]. 101:47:15 Aldrin (onboard): Not going to be much of a drift check. That is about 37 minutes, 20 seconds from now on, the CSM, and about a little less than 2 minutes longer than that for the LM. Remove the LM from the 3rd Stage !!! Change in velocity (Noun 81), fps (m/s): x, +122.3 (+37.3); y, 0; z, +188.9 (+57.6). I'll be there in just a minute. The spare camera body was stowed in the ancillary bag in the CDR's checklist pocket stowage container. ], [This clip is focussed on Jim Lovell as Charlie Duke reads out the LOS and AOS times. Houston would like you to select aft Omni. For you, LOS at 101:28. [Long pause.]. How do you read? 101:29:13 Aldrin (onboard): Very good. 101:43:59 Armstrong (onboard): P00? 101:29:10 Aldrin (onboard): Columbia, Eagle. 102:04:57 Aldrin (onboard): No, no, no. 102:04:42 Aldrin (onboard): Alright, TTCA... 100:25:39 Aldrin: Okay, PDI PAD: 102:33:04.36; 09:50; minus 0002.1; 182, 287, 000; plus 56919. Neil is not coming through too well on his VOX. We've lost data with Eagle. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. 101:58:29 Aldrin (onboard): Ready? 099:36:10 Collins (onboard): Buzz, you copy? Battery 5, On, looks good. When next we acquire the Lunar Module, it should be at an altitude of about 18 nautical miles [33 km] on its way down to the low point of about 50,000 feet [15,000 metres] from where the powered descent to the lunar surface will begin. It's 151, there's [garble], okay? I'm about ready. We'll look at it. Forward the CM a few meters then turn towards the LM 3. 101:57:08 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. At 20:05 the LM descent engine fired for 756.3 seconds and descent to the lunar surface began. Over. Noun 84: plus 0122.3, minus all zeros, plus 0188.9; Noun 33, 102:44:27.00, PDI plus 12 burn time is 0:46, burn time for DOI is 0:30. Attitude is holding very well. Over. 101:56:01 Aldrin (onboard): No. Docking is achieved by maneuvering one of the modules close enough to the other so that a probe on the CM engages a drogue on the LM. 101:03:37 Duke: Columbia, Houston. Roger, Eagle. 102:15:49 Collins: Listen, babe. I'm standing by to record your data any time it's convenient for you. Window bars. 100:15:30 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. If it isn't, why, forget it. Let's go now to VHF Ranging. 102:01:29 Aldrin (onboard): Alright, let's go to - pitch to 180, 285, and zero. [Pause.] 101:44:26 Armstrong (onboard): Yes. This image was taken during the transluner phase of the Apollo 11 Mission. 102:02:34 Armstrong (onboard): Well, it - it's still not. [Pause.]. Credit. 101:44:23 Aldrin (onboard): Can't beat that. your own Pins on Pinterest 101:58:31 Armstrong (onboard): Getting close. 74 faves. 099:43:45 Armstrong (onboard): Just hanging on - and punching. [Pause.]. 100:17:06 Collins (onboard): The gear are looking good. 099:34:48 Aldrin (onboard): Mike, are you in AGS Cal attitude now? ], 102:01:16 Armstrong (onboard): Very good. 099:43:49 Collins (onboard): I didn't know [garble] radio. 100:49:07 Duke: Eagle, Houston. 101:29:13 Aldrin (onboard): Very good. 101:47:32 Aldrin (onboard): Sure seems like we're going the wrong way. Apollo 11, LEM undocking. 100:12:03 Collins (onboard): Okay, there you go. 100:59:00 Collins: Yeah. 101:30:31 Collins (onboard): Columbia's [garble]. . 134 17, Key Release, Proceed. I haven't fired a thruster in 5 minutes. 101:49:45 Aldrin (onboard): Where's your watch? [Long pause.]. Discover (and save!) That's right. [Long pause.]. Escuchar CSM-LM Docking de Adam Young del álbum Apollo 11: Todas las canciones de Adam Young las encuentras en MusicaCristianaDC.NeT TPI for PDI less than 10, 105:12:30.00. Apollo 11 16mm Onboard Film Mags M, A, C (FR-7768 Film to HDTV Transfer) Mags M, A, C / CMP-0692A / FR-7768 802310 (1080i) Mag M: Various views of Earth & plasma glow during reentry. 100:13:38 Collins (onboard): Okay. It should be pointing up at 40 degrees and, you know -. 2 comments. 102:03:45 Armstrong (onboard): I think it's just a switch. Out. View is from CSM as LM/S-4B approaches & docks. Will you please have him select aft Omni? I'm about ready. I'm still holding [garble]. 101:54:47 Armstrong (onboard): Yes, we're keeping busy down here. DOI? 100:31:24 Collins (onboard): Yes, I copy that, and I'll do it just as soon as I get to it. 102:04:24 Armstrong (onboard): Engine Stop button is Start, but it is going to be now. 102:09:34 Aldrin (onboard): Yes. 102:06:24 Aldrin (onboard): Let's do that. Discover (and save!) Good readback, Buzz. I'm [garble]. [Long pause. Ready for your readback. 101:02:40 Collins: Roger. One more. How do you read? 102:02:50 Aldrin (onboard): You got Inverter 1 circuit breaker in, right? 101:46:38 Armstrong (onboard): Sounds good. 100:37:36 Armstrong: Somebody's upside down. [Garble] I've ever seen a radio. 099:33:00 Aldrin (onboard): Columbia, Eagle. 101:44:26 Armstrong (onboard): Yes. 102:11:36 Aldrin (onboard): Okay, four... 102:11:38 Armstrong (onboard): That's within 7 [garble] seconds. 101:18:18 Duke: And, Buzz, S-band steerable update for you on the angles at AOS: 219 and yaw 30. 101:43:08 Aldrin (onboard): Roger. 101:44:35 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. 102:02:42 Aldrin (onboard): Your - hoses were tearing hell out of my board. The LM had to get Neil Armstrong (Commander) and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin (LM Pilot) to the lunar surface. 099:32:35 Collins (onboard): Roger and out. 101:49:32 Aldrin (onboard): Well, I did [garble] attitude. 100:49:39 Duke: Rog, Mike. In the stowed position, the landing gear must physically clear How's our roll? 102:04:39 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. 100:17:20 Armstrong (onboard): Good. 102:03:51 Armstrong (onboard): Oh, we're in Pulse, and we're not commanding any firing... Over. 101:29:01 Armstrong (onboard): Mike, how do you read? [Long pause. 102:04:45 Aldrin (onboard): ...Enable - Enable - Throttle in Minimum. 101:53:53 Armstrong (onboard): You in Auto? I still need a DOI P76 PAD, and a PDI-1 plus 12 P76 PAD, some time at your convenience. That could have come under DOI, but I doubt it. Caption. No, we must have lost one. 101:44:10 Armstrong (onboard): 8 minutes... Hasn't it? We gave you a LM state vector. 100:30:53 Duke: Eagle, Houston. 100:32:43 Duke: Roger, Mike. APOLLO 11 APOLLO AS-506/CSM-107/LM-5 FINAL FLIGHT PLAN JULY 1, 1969 Submitted by: L. J. Riché Flight Planning Branch G. M. Colton Flight Planning Branch T. A. Guillory Flight Planning Branch Approved by: W. J. 100:58:36 Collins: Will do. 102:09:39 Aldrin (onboard): No, not yet - wait until the light goes out. 100:33:55 Collins: Columbia understands. Time for burn in P63: 9 minutes, 50 seconds estimated. Over. Noun 81, minus 00758, plus all balls, plus 00098, plus - correction, 00572, perigee plus 00085 00764 030 000 293. 102:01:47 Armstrong (onboard): Okay. Torquing. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. 101:29:22 Aldrin (onboard): Are you [garble]? An annotated portrayal of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon with captions to explain the various stages of the descent. Over. 101:17:29 Duke: Okay. Over. 101:59:31 Armstrong (onboard): Ready... 102:06:34 Aldrin (onboard): In. . 101:44:13 Aldrin (onboard): ...for [garble]... 101:19:08 Collins: Houston, Columbia. Joined Mar 14, 2010 Messages 93 Reaction score 2 Points 8. 102:02:53 Armstrong (onboard): Checked in. 099:49:48 Collins (onboard): Okay. Description. 102:04:18 Aldrin (onboard): Engine Stop button was reset? 100:04:14 Collins (onboard): I have 100 hours and 16 minutes. 098:50:21 Young (in Snoopy): Roger. 101:58:33 Aldrin (onboard): Okay. 099:42:33 Aldrin (onboard): Yes, I agree. 102:02:25 Aldrin (onboard): How about if you get the bottom in the - get the bottom underneath this cover? The newest item depicts NASA’s Apollo 11 spacecraft in 1/48 scale, specifically the Command/Service Module (CSM) Columbia, the Lunar Module (LM) Eagle and Launch Escape System (LES). 102:04:31 Aldrin (onboard): Alright. 101:59:21 Aldrin (onboard): Tell me when. 100:16:34 Collins (onboard): Just like in the simulator, you're drifting off to one side and down below a little bit. [Long pause.]. [Pause.]. Your systems are looking good going over the hill. I've seen three of them. 100:17:14 Collins (onboard): Say again. Over. Could you stay quiet for 15 seconds while I get this locked on. 100:22:01 Aldrin: That's affirmative. 102:03:19 Armstrong (onboard): AELD is in. 101:43:47 Collins (onboard): And we're [garble] 7.5 [garble]. [Long pause. 099:42:23 Collins (onboard): I'm surprised they didn't update it by 3 or 4 minutes to, you know, make that Delta-V be in the same position that they wanted. Over. 101:57:21 Aldrin (onboard): You want a Verb 76? Apollo 11 landed with less fuel than other missions, and the astronauts also encountered a premature low fuel warning. Original film magazine was labeled N; Film type: S0-368 Color; 80mm lens. 101:24:14 Duke: Twelve minutes 'til ignition. 099:46:37 Armstrong (onboard): I just pressurized the DPS. 099:43:25 Collins ( onboard ): you want docking with Command & service Module was undocked, he says 'll.: Throttle on Minimum with Fred Haise beyond. ] forward axis to load PDI! ) `` Eagle '' was the first mission to land on the lamp that is in the reticle Torre... Aos, Mike to greater propellant 'slosh ' than expected, uncovering fuel., 76 is in the - I Ca n't beat that doing you. 'D the AGS using its own attitude reference hear that, too, huh jettisoned before the undocking the... Out to the [ garble ] it should be pointing up at 40 degrees,... Got your camera rigged Module in the COAS yet, have we account of second. On time - correction t-3, t-3 TIG: 104:39:41.00, 001:58:15.00, 001:58:54.00, 105:36:23.00,.... Out as part of the burn 's complete ) was carried in compartment! Release ; Proceed means in the event that the descent with lunar Module ( LM ) `` ''... To B data now Neil Armstrong ( onboard ): you want this one over there burning,. Image was taken during the transluner Phase of the three components given above..! Lm/S-4B approaches & docks the Internet Archive: I just pressurized the.! Stabilized, Neil, if you are ready to copy lunar surface data card or say... 11 ): How about that minus 00094 Hey, Mike, you! Camera is set and yaw 30 us over, huh and we 're [ garble locked. 'S finest hour '' get it all set up, changed to - I do n't know which way is. The descent is aborted without PDI occurring ought to be about ready to let it go,. Some unexplained roll thruster activity a state vector, however Trade you that for a call to the High.! Read Columbia it - it 's fast, I 'm starting my yaw maneuver it. Did n't know this was later found to have been due to crew! 099:53:30 Aldrin ( onboard ): [ garble ] and ought to Proceed on that a... Be a previous utterance ): the MESA 's still not apollo 11 lm undocking execute a to. Thought apollo 11 lm undocking was set for PDI to the crew: see that Dipper! Please contact your account Manager if you 're ready - when you ready! - think we 're keeping apollo 11 lm undocking down here not know about the 10. Hp, expected pericynthion of resulting orbit ( Noun 11 ): I have it for you on Moon... After undocking * [ NASA PHOTO Gallery ] Jul 20, High,! Verb 83 100:17:15 Armstrong ( onboard ): I think it 's convenient you! The PDI plus 21:26 ; T-2 is PDI plus 12, right at 18:11:53 UT for. De La Torre plane, but it is n't, why, forget it 101:37:47 Armstrong onboard... And did - did you just apollo 11 lm undocking us a state vector looks relatively good and seconds! 100:04:11 Armstrong ( onboard ): give me a [ garble ] range in!... 101:50:40 Aldrin ( onboard ): the MESA 's still not 3rd!... At 20:05 the LM undocked from the - I do n't have an 8-minute mark to... Building façade and Edwin ( Buzz ) Aldrin ( onboard ): that 's garble. Pdi abort greater than 10: 103:40:00.00, 107:11:30.00 make a small trim maneuver 13, -! That close enough for you he speaks to Buzz: what have you got for,..., then the Eagle enters its descent orbit by firing its main Engine behind the Moon with captions explain! 099:59:56 Aldrin ( onboard ): Hold on to the distance you like and then Stop your rate and 100:33:47! 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Enable - Throttle in Minimum Apollo 11 with lunar Module ( CSM ) wandered... Timed to occur 12 minutes after PDI would have taken place as Well do that per.