But hey, there are plenty of covert tactics you can employ to get revenge and destroy your ex, friend, enemy, boss, or anyone you want really, at little or no expense, and which will be infinitely more entertaining to you and your friends than kicking the bastard in the balls or otherwise inflicting fleeting physical pain on them. Once. To take your home out of the running, leave the tree, but move presents from window views. These people have just invited burglars into their homes. Those acids will break down the grout, causing it to become more porous," explains cleaning expert Mary Cherry, owner of Evie's Cleaning Company. Criticism of S.B. AOL. Place lights on timers. Tell the baby mama to go Maury on his ass, pointing at various parts of the child's anatomy and screeching, Look at that nose! That toilet bowl cleaner isn't the all-purpose bathroom product you might hope it would be. } else { Formerly reserved for heads of state, and more recently for warlords and politicians, it's only a matter of time before ICC prosecutions are opened up for plain old everyday assholes. Liquid Chlorine. Observant neighborhoods and unified neighborhood watch teams should take note of strange cars with unknown passengers that keep returning to the area. Bleach may be good for your whites, but it's not an all-purpose cleaning solution. Though your sloping landscape may offer you some privacy from your neighbors or passersby, it can also mean you've got major repair bills to look forward to. The Unauthorized Biography of [Bitch's Name] by [Your Name], as Told to [Ghostwriter's Name]., Avoid libel suits by claiming to read your Bitch's mind. People will hurt you and you will hurt others. Many homeowners swear by their fake four-legged friends. After dark, the best first defense for single-family homes is lighting, and lots of it. 2010. If your command of the written word is not up to the task, don't hesitate to hire a ghostwriter. Putting plants too close to your home can cause moisture damage to your foundation, or may even leave you dealing with root structures threatening to compromise it. Destroy something they love: Find a treasured item that you know is important to them and destroy it in front of them. The Guardian. Right in the middle of dinner. Have the child run into the room screaming, Daddy! followed by the mom, carrying a book bag and crying real tears. I mean, this is an automatic turn-off. Luckily, with public records search engines,it's easy to find a lot of information about anyone with only a name or phone number. Show up at the person's office occasionally If you want to make someone's life miserable, visit them at the office and put on an act. Let's take a look at five ways we could ruin someone's day. Aug. 27, 2009. Posing as the host of a TV prank show or ringing a doorbell while holding a large check are likely to lure someone out of the house. If they are having an affair with your spouse, call their parents. There's no time of day in which your home is immune from burglaries; there are no standards of practice when it comes to how a burglar breaks in. Additional comment actions. "When wired incorrectly, this will typically result in a short circuit.". Your AC system may not be the most attractive element of your backyard, but camouflaging it with hedges can cause major problems. Not only does putting a hot grill near your home increase your risk of a house fire, it can also melt and warp your siding. 3. The placement of your appliances matters more than you might think. Like the old clich goes, revenge is a dish best served cold. Even if this is a false accusation, this kind of allegation sticks with people for the rest of their lives. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group, Letting rooms with hardwood floors stay humid, Using too much water to clean your floors, Forgetting to use furniture pads on hardwood floors, Nailing into the wall without finding a stud, Putting mulch against the side of your house, Letting your landscaping slope toward your house, Not cleaning your gutters frequently enough, Using chemical cleaners on painted cabinets, Using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar together, Not drying off fully before you leave the shower or bath, Adding additional filters to your HVAC system, Using the wrong kind of extension cord outside, Having cables drilled in through your home's exterior, Continuing to use malfunctioning appliances, Not having your chimney and fireplace routinely cleaned, Allowing the ground around your home to dry out, Placing your grill too close to your house, Doing construction without getting permits. You apply for the loan, then after determining that you are indeed eligible . Unfortunately, as CNN reported, she saw intruders in her home and called the police. Lawns and window signs advertising alarm systems deter many break-in attempts. Haul those empties to a public trash receptacle. Thomas watched as the would-be thieves went from room to room and was able to tell the dispatcher their location. "The ground wire is there for safety and simply bypassing it creates a potentially serious hazard," cautions Dawson, meaning it could spark an electrical fire or power surge. Every day, people are faced with small choices like what clothes to wear or what to make for breakfast. Fortunately, DIY services like Book Baby allow you to attractively package and publish your tell-all and disseminate it throughout the Bitch's social diaspora in both print and e-book formats. Carry a sharpie wherever you go and have their phone numbers inscribed in all public bathrooms. 50 Ways You Cause Damage to Your House, According to Experts 4 Ways To Psychologically Manipulate Someone A good TP job is funny and probably somewhat embarrassing for the victim, but it shouldn't be mean-spirited. #8. And they do so using small, easily-hidden devices, which means four, five or six webcams can be positioned to give different views of the same area. He recommends changing filters every one to three months. If you don't, the sheetrock or plaster below may not have sufficient support for the item, which can "damage the wall and break the item that is hanging," says Mike Morgan, owner of Morgan Inspection Services in central Texas. In the next step, the hacker spoofs victim's phone number in a call to the victim's phone company. Similarly, using wax-based products can leave surfaces dull, sticky, and in need of a professional cleaning. Don't do that. If having one filter on your HVAC system is good, having more than one must be better, right? Make sure you have no kids together. How to Ruin Someone's Life: Get Inspiration from Others' Experiences 1 From Marcus If someone hates you with passion, one easy way to ruin their lives is to live a very happy life and forgive them all their wrongs in the open. All extension cords are not created equal. Imagine a motion sensor triggering a bright light accompanied by the loud barking of up to five angry dogs. Sadeghi, the co-founder of the revolutionary integrative health center Be Hive of Healing, has put together a cheeky list of how-to-kill-the-most-passionate-love rules that speak, humorously, toward precisely how not to . This is the only solution I can remember right now. In the ad, you will be posing as your victim to recruit people to help demolish his house. All Rights Reserved. "Facebook and Twitter users face pricier insurance as burglars 'shop' for victims' personal details on networking sites." Set up a camera infront of his house and put the prank on youtube =) I did this once by accident when I was attempting to rid my vegetable patch of weeds by pouring salt water first. The typical burglar avoids confrontation, has scant interest in an arrest and fears physical harm. Telling the Bitch's story from your point of view can be a cathartic experience, and if you're lucky enough to get your book published, you can spread news of their crimes far and wide. Apply for a cash loan using the Bitch's personal info so they go into debt and get their credit score dinged. If possible, don't reveal your malevolent intentions to anyone. Ever wonder how burglars actually enter homes? Increasingly, video cards, RAM, and sound cards have fans, too. Just because power washing is good for your siding doesn't mean the same holds true for your roof. Internet videos, intended to teach locksmiths, teach anyone how to make bump keys. My wife was ruining her health through worry. Call police; they should assess the situation. FBI will arrive their house in less an hour and the person will be labeled a pedophile for life and won't be able to secure a job, get a date, or any kind of emotional happiness. Posting a relationship status lets thieves know how many people are likely to live in the home. Daily Mail's Mail Online. It requires a lot of things to be perfectly set up for it to even begin, and that also means that the animal that you've lured into the pen to destroy the house must be tough enough to kill every single animal in there. One way to find out the connected devices is through the router settings. These tactics, when executed correctly, will exact humiliation, pain, and suffering on your victim. Besides being irresistibly adorable to passersby, this may cause your ex to rue the day he objected to letting Vinnie share your bed, on the grounds that his farts keep me awake.. your rules are no fun. Not limited to men, this tactic may be even more effective if used on a female Bitch, for while deadbeat dads are a dime a dozen, what kind of she-monster would abandon her own child? Undeterred daredevils may dash toward sides or back doors obscured from view. Your ultimate compendium for thriving in life's best decade. I fell asleep on a first date. NewsOn6.com. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=d70850b4-f492-4339-aa43-9ec6b1d6e923&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=6101638374764576787'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); If the Bitch was an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, go on dates with other people in very public places or tell your friends how much better your new partner or special somebody is in bed than that last one what was their name? Too much music deafens the ear, 32.6 percent of burglars found the easy way in, and the balance represented foiled attempts [source: U.S. Department of Justice]. Chosen businesses become addicted to and dependent on government aid, prompting a lobbying frenzy that further . Being the architect of someone's public ruin has the added benefit of deterring future offenders, for once prospective mates, rivals or employers see what you're capable of, they'll be sure to treat you with the absolute deference and respect you deserve. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. Too much color blinds the eye, Perhaps they wouldn't have run away with that auto show model if they'd known it would damn their soul for all eternity? Next, we look at the number-one point of entry. In addition, technology can quickly become out-of-date, and installing built-in electronics is a . Don't sit in the bathtub with the door locked, talking about how high you are, when people legitimately need to pee. This will cause them to go into a rage that is so powerful they literally destroy their entire house, leaving nothing but rubble left. This will put the target on the run, which will further aggravate the situation. These services provide fun ways to meet people and play treasure hunt-type games. Another way is to use a network scanner app. To keep this from happening, she suggests removing as much moisture as possible with the carpet vacuum and opening windows to help your carpets dry out if they still feel damp after a cleaning. If you're looking to ruin someone's plumbing, there are a few key things you can do. Your key is hidden among what appears to be a pile of old spare keys, which are typically deemed old keys of unknown origins. And for decorating pitfalls to avoid, check out The One Home Design Mistake Everyone Makes. (As a side note, Safier says that mold damage often isn't covered by homeowner's insurance policies.). Disturbing Home Alone fan theory will ruin your childhood Don't tag someone's house with especially cruel or taunting language. Their cousin could be the one answering the phone.). He also recommends opening your windows while you cook to allow for cross-ventilation, reducing moisture, smoke, and improving your indoor air quality. Store some materials used for bomb production in their home and mount an ISIS flag near their house. As tempting as it may be, you can't replace that leaky section of pipe with any old material. "[If] someone only turns the fan on for the duration of their shower the average exhaust fan for a bathroom won't remove enough of the moist air," says Breyer. teddy wrote: You could possibly buy some nitrogen fertilizer and spread it around in patches. During open houses, visitors should not be free to roam, and after the event is over, realtors and homeowners need to check that doors and windows remain secure. Not being yourself! Putting Sugar, water, salt, and sticky liquid in a gas tank will clog up the fuel filter. Making a list of your strengths and positive qualities. Instead, it's the mistakes you aren't even aware you're making that can lead to major repairs in the long run. If you're using bleach to remove a stain from your hardwood floors, "it will leave an even bigger stain or damage your wood," says Abe Navas, general manager of Emily's Maids in Dallas. "If you want to clean your wood floors, use the minimum amount [of water] possible," suggestsAlberto Navarrete, general manager of Frisco Maids. If you must hide a spare key, try this: The key under your flower pot opens a storage shed on your neighbor's property. And for more ways you can keep your home tidy, check out 30 Amazing Cleaning Tips You'll Wish You Knew Sooner. Another way to get closer to your mission of breaking up their relationship is to become friends with the guy's friends. 2) Attack their reputation. Shaving cream If the chemical residue from the shaving cream product is not placed on a car, it will leave a permanent stain on the paint. "Adding polish to your floor will produce build-up and cause your flooring to become dull, and possibly tacky, causing dirt to stick to it," says Cherry, who recommends a pH-neutral cleaning solution instead. Ideal targets are homes with indications no one will return soon. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. xhr.send(payload); Among the many items inside the shed is toolbox, at the bottom of which are a dozen spare and random keys, one of which opens your home. "The ground is like a sponge and when it dries out, it shrinks, creating an unstable base for the entire foundation of the home," explains Betty Mooney, president of Brick Restoration, Inc., a Houston-based masonry repair and restoration company. In fact, ignoring them may mean you're inadvertently damaging your whole home's electrical system. How it works: The maximum loan amount is $20,000, which can be repaid over 20 years with the interest rate fixed at 1%. Destroying bases, any tips? "10 Ways to Break Into a House" While using some mulch in your garden can help protect your plants and cover up patchy areas, putting it too close to your home can cause serious damage over time. Unless you want a pricey repair in your future, always use a stud finder before nailing or drilling into a wall. Over time, this can even puncture your roof and create leaks inside your home. Chances are your power bill will drop by at least 1-2000b a month, and possibly more if you are one of these foreigners that insists on recreating the North Pole in your apartment. I am an irredeemable serial philanderer,' thought [Bitchs name], and anyone in their right mind should avoid me like the plague.'. This will leave them homeless, and will likely ruin their life. September 2010. Repeat throwing your phone until it is totally smashed to bits. And while that certainly includes being diligent about turning off lights and electrical appliances before you leave the house to eliminate the chance of a fire and not starting the dishwasher or washing machine if you're not going to be home while it's running, it's relatively rare that accidents like these occur. So, how can you tell if your extension cord is safe for the great outdoors? It's best to keep shrubs trimmed no higher than the bottom of window sills. Oct. 5, 2007. If your Bitch is a Catholic, Mormon or Scientologist, the rejection of their church will have the powerful effect of ruining their life not only in this world, but in the next. You're better off letting that dirty pan cool down on the stove rather than trying to pour cooking grease down your drain. Most people don't have any arrests to hide, but if they do then you've hit the jackpot. after they pull him over the cops will do the rest It's best just to play nice, as a general rule, but when someone fucks you over, there's nothing more pathetic than being a sap who sits at home and cries about it. Just to see that old truck pull up to his front door with DJ MuffinPuff or Ma and Pa Roach Stompin' Two Steppers rattling my . Let the world know about their wrongdoing: Do something public that shames and humiliates them. Learn more. Narcissists are highly self-centered, boastful, and have a very short temper. If you can't help it, please try your hardest to tone it down. On to the fun part. [deleted] . Spending more time with friends and other people who lift you up instead of bringing you down. Lead first and foremost with humility, generosity, prayer and godly obedience to your role as a husband. Change The Perspective. Connect to their internet and take up all the bandwidth. Get their current address and contact info, Uncover their social media accounts and photos, Look up any phone number to see whose it is, Post a bizarrely kinky adult dating/hookup ad so the Bitch will receive a steady flow of colorful calls/texts/messages from friendly locals looking to have a good time. Vinegar may be effective at cleaning some surfaces, but it's a major no-no for your dishwasher. - https://www.unspeakable.com/Follow all of these or I will steal your cookiesINSTAGRAM 1 - http://instagram.com/unspeakableINSTAGRAM 2 - https://. Other events fraught with dangers from burglary include: Determined burglars may use ruses to gain entry into homes that promise of big pay-outs. Dented. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/burglary-live-internet, State Farm Insurance. All of these sites will give you plenty of inside intel to work with, so start gathering info first: You can also go old school and Google the Bitch's name, Twitter or Instagram username, or email address to dig up information, sketchy associations (for instance, a profile on CheatingSwingers.com), pictures, and anything else that could come in handy later. (Nov. 22, 2011) http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2009/offenses/property_crime/burglary.html, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Top 10 Simple Ways to Discourage Break-ins. Some routers allow us to see all connected devices and kick them out if needed. An aerial banner is a much cheaper way to go, as it only requires one plane and allows you to display a more complex message. After a few days (or hours), the Bitch will most likely contact you, kindly requesting that you cease the tormenting. ZDNet. 49 is rooted in gender ideology and gender identity, concepts fundamentally in conflict with our knowledge of science, our Western or Judeo-Christian heritage, and our beliefs about marriage, sex, the family, and the human person. Subscribe to spammers and porn newsletters with the Bitch's email address. "Vinegar's acidity can be hard on some rubber parts of your dishwasher," as well as seals made of polyacrylate, fluorosilicone, and Buna-N, eventually causing your appliance to fail, says Cameron. Even retired breaking-and-entering pros chime in with stories of their greatest successes. Unlike vapor, a banner will not disintegrate into thin air after fifteen minutes. Here are the different ways you can make someone's life a living hell, legally. No time or energy for pets? Too much desire tears the heart. Pests can slowly but surely lay waste to your home. If your budget allows, hire five child/mother pairsone for each workdayof diverse ages and ethnicities. Shocking, blatant and utterly humiliating. preferably do this while he's inside a bar. Compared to alarm systems, webcams are the next-best thing to catching a burglar red-handed. They can be fooled by strategic lighting and loud broadcasts (radios consume less energy than TVs, and talk shows sound like conversations in the home). Whether on friendship, parenting, or self-care, Dr. Habib Sadeghi's life tips are pretty much commandments in goop's book, at this point. Some of these include: making sure to get enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. Of the reported 2 million commercial and residential burglaries reported to the U.S. Department of Justice in 2009, most (61 percent) were forcible entry. The Denton Record-Chronicle. Here are some of the ways burglars exploit new technologies: Burglars look for over-sharing online. We. Water may be effective at getting your floors clean, but use too much and you might find yourself in need of some replacement flooring before you know it. Communication is key to a close relationship. People get tempted to harass their targets beyond this point, but we do not advice this because it may drive them to suicide; only the living can feel pains. NEW MERCH! Ten Ways to Ruin A Relationship. To destroy their life, make sure you die while they are still alive. Well, the last thing you need on your permanent record is assault and battery, so physical violence is out of the question. Creating mood lighting by installing dimmers throughout your house could land you with costly repairs if you're attempting to DIY the job. Ask if they have forgotten the passionate nights you two spent together when the going was still good and have the card delivered when you know their partner will be home to get it. You can even profit from this! Somtimes vandalism comes down to a simple bang to the body work. Any time the house will be empty (vacations, workdays), best use call forwarding so someone always answers. Consider bustling dining rooms and kitchens during dinners, when second floors can become targets for quiet burglars. Simply adding an adaptor to an older two-prong outlet puts your home at risk every time you use one of these so-called "cheater plugs." In all seriousness though, the things that under normal pool circumstances, I would consider the be the worst for introducing in a pool would be just about any hydrocarbon or a big bunch of fertilizer. Plaster. In fact, an additional filter "has the same result as having a dirty filter," he says. patriot news harrisburg pennsylvania, virtual xylophone with sharps and flats, You might think love: Find a treasured item that you know is important to them destroy. On government aid, prompting a lobbying frenzy that further sticky, and sound cards have fans, too for... 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